Project Description

Lezlie led a team (for Particip GmbH) on an Independent Evaluation of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)’s Performance in Disaster Risk Reduction (and Climate Change) between 2010-2017 globally. The evaluation was conducted between November 2018 and May 2019 with a team of seven, visiting seven countries (Tajikistan, Morocco, Bolivia, Peru, Thailand, Myanmar, Chad), speaking with 142 key informants and examining 170 docs reflecting at least 116 Swiss-funded projects.
The purpose of the evaluation was to build an evidence base for the implementation of the SDC’s Guidelines on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), and programs and partnerships established by SDC to address DRR on global, regional and national levels. The study was designed to:
- Contribute to strategic decision-making (i.e. for the Dispatch 2021-2024),
- Derive lessons learned to improve institutional performance, and to
- Serve as one measure of accountability towards the Parliament and the public.
Evaluation outputs include a full Report, an exploration of DRR/CCA synergies, a Value For Money assessment across DRR lines of action (influencing, mainstreaming and targeted DRR) and stakeholder mapping. In September 2019, the team was invited to present evaluation conclusions to the Parliamentary Committee on International Development, for debate in Bern.