Project Description
Aiming to bridging the humanitarian-peace-development nexus, WFP has launched the four-year program “Innovative approaches to building Resilience for Refugees and Host Populations in Ethiopia (2018-2022): From Humanitarian Assistance to Self-Reliance” funded jointly by SIDA and DANIDA.
WFP is committed to conduct a formal pre/post mixed methods evaluation using panel households to measure the performance of the five-part program with a specific focus on the largest component, ‘Sustainable Livelihoods Promotion’. Across four pillars (production, transformation, consumption and enabling), this component aims to promote self-reliance among refugees and cohesion between refugees and host populations in 13 refugee camps and surrounding areas of the Somali and Gambella regions of Ethiopia.
Particip GmbH in partnership with the Center for Evaluation and Development (C4ED) and in close collaboration with Ethiopia’s Horn Economic and Social Policy Institute (HESPI) has been commissioned to carry out this effort over four years, with IRMA/Lezlie as team leader.